Chocolate Ragi Almond Porridge Recipe For Weight Loss

Chocolate Ragi Almond Porridge Recipe For Weight Loss

Choco-rice, also known as ragi chocolate pudding is a super simple recipe for weight loss. If you are parents of picky eaters or just want to eat an exotic breakfast knowing what the healthy ingredients are, then this recipe is for you!

This world  traditional dish is two courses in one. The first course is plain porridge (with some water), made of sprouted ragi almond flour. And the second course is chocolate. You will need unsweetened cocoa powder in fresh orange juice along with honey that can be poured over the porridge. 



Directions here in the link


So how it is for weight loss?

Ragi is a nutritious food which contains potassium, calcium and magnesium. It is an extremely healthy cereal and can be made in many different ways but the most effective way is to make a porridge. You can call your kids or family members over to the table and give them this heart clearing, fibre rich dish.

For those people who want to lose weight, they can enjoy this porridge while it also manages calorie intake by reducing or mitigating breakfasts that are rich in fats and rich carbs, like fried breakfast such as croissants, toasts with fillings or oats with cookies etc.

This will be a recipe for dark chocolate ragi porridge for weight loss!


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