How to Play 1970s Indian Games to Keep Your 4-8 Year Olds Active!

How to Play 1970s Indian Games to Keep Your 4-8 Year Olds Active!

Namaste Nutreat Fam! 🌟

Today, let's embark on a heartwarming journey back to our roots and rediscover the joy of keeping our 4-8-year-old bachchas (kids) active, the good old Indian way! 🇮🇳🎮🚴‍♂️

We know that in today's digital age, it's no cakewalk to unglue our little ones from screens. But here's the good news - we can introduce them to the same joys of our childhood, those beloved 1970s games that not only kept us fit but also lit up our faces with smiles. So, let's embrace our culture, slip into our comfy chappals (sandals), and dive headfirst into a world of classic Indian fun and games!

1. Cycle Down Memory Lane: 

Cycling: Remember those carefree days when your child's bicycle was their trusty steed, and the neighborhood was their kingdom? Let's make it happen again. Dust off that bicycle, ensure they wear a helmet for safety, and send them on a ride filled with the thrill of discovery.

And here's the best part, in the words of Aadhya's mom, Sravani: "You've got to see Aadhya, our 6-year-old, on her daily bike rides - she's like a little ball of energy! She zips around our neighborhood with the biggest grin, showing us how staying active can be a blast. Aadhya's rides are a reminder that keeping our kids active can be as easy as a bike ride, making every day a fun adventure."

2. Park Ki Shaan, Swings and Seesaw:

Our local parks were our playground paradise, weren't they? Take your little ones there, and let them experience the sheer joy of swings, seesaws, and the sound of laughter echoing through the air. It's more than exercise; it's a chance for them to make lifelong friends.

3. Antakshari: 

Picture this - you, your family, and a circle of love. One person starts a song, and the next one takes it from there. The magic of Antakshari isn't just in the music; it's in the connections it creates. So go ahead, start singing, and let the melodies weave beautiful memories.

4. Pithu (Hopscotch): 

Pithu (Hopscotch):

Remember the grid drawn on the ground with chalk or stones? The thrill of hopping from square to square, avoiding missteps? It's more than a game; it's a challenge that builds balance and coordination.

Relive the excitement by drawing a grid on the ground with numbered squares using chalk or stones. Each player takes a turn throwing a marker into one of the squares while hopping over it. If they complete the sequence without mistakes, they pick up the marker and move to the next square. The goal is to complete all the squares without any missteps.

5. Kabaddi: 

*Kabaddi:* Rediscover the thrill of Kabaddi by dividing the kids into two teams. One team sends a "raider" into the opponent's half to tag as many players as possible. The raider must chant "Kabaddi, Kabaddi" continuously without taking a breath. The tagged players are out, and the team that tags the most opponents wins.

6. Gilli-Danda:

*Gilli-Danda:* To play this traditional game, find a long, straight stick (danda) and a shorter, tapered stick (gilli). One player places the gilli on the ground and hits it with the danda. The goal is to hit the gilli as far as possible and then run to a marked point before the opposing team retrieves the gilli.

7. Kho-Kho:

*Kho-Kho:* No school was out off this wonderful game. Remember !

Revive the excitement by forming two teams, with one team sitting in a row, back to back. The other team, known as the chasers, tries to tag the players in the sitting team by running around them. The sitting team must avoid getting tagged while maintaining their formation.


Absolutely, let's dive into two more classic Indian games with a nostalgic twist!

8. Two-Player Game: Lagori (Pitthu): 

*Lagori:* Remember those intense matches of Lagori in the neighborhood? Relive the magic! Start by stacking seven flat stones on top of each other. One player takes the role of the thrower, armed with a soft ball. Their mission? To knock down the stacked stones.

But it's not that easy! While the thrower tries to rebuild the stack, the other player retrieves the ball. And here's the kicker - if the player with the ball hits an opponent with it, that opponent is out! It's a thrilling blend of aim, strategy, and speed, reminiscent of simpler times.

9. Three-Player Game: Seven Stones (Satoliya):

*Seven Stones:* This game is a slice of our childhood, a time when we spent endless hours outdoors. Begin by placing seven flat stones in a pile on the ground. One player stands a few feet away, ball in hand, ready to throw. The other two players take on the challenge of reconstructing the pile while the thrower aims to hit them with the ball.

The twist? The hit players are out until the pile is completely rebuilt. It's a fast-paced game that requires teamwork, coordination, and a dash of strategy. Satoliya brings back those golden moments when playing outside was our ultimate adventure.

By bringing Lagori and Satoliya back into your child's life, you're not just introducing them to games; you're sharing a piece of your own cherished memories. These games are a bridge to our past, connecting generations and keeping our culture alive.

At Nutreat, we're here to encourage you on this delightful journey. Share your Desi game moments with us, and let's inspire each other to relive the joy of an active, culturally rich lifestyle.

Remember - stay active, stay Nutreat, and let's continue the legacy of old-school games.

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